Prompt Fringe venue applications for 2024 open on 28 August 2023 and are rolling applications, so you can pitch any time, but we start the program build on October 15, so the sooner the better!
We are looking for shows that fit our facilities, our values and our vibe.
Pitch HERE
Venue info and rates HERE
At Adelaide Fringe 2023, Prompt Creative hosted 12 productions with a total of 63 shows over 21 nights. As a recently opened venue, we weren't sure what to expect in terms of how audiences would receive a new kid on the block, but our amazing artists pulled in enthusiastic and supportive audiences, some of whom have returned to attend other shows based on the quality of our Fringe program.
We had a cross section of shows, ranging from magic to comedy, theatre to cabaret; each with its own individual flavour.
Preparations for Fringe 2024 have already begun, so if you'd like to pitch your show to us for consideration for our program, please fill out this form.
We look forward to hearing about your show and if it's a good fit for our program and the stars align in terms of dates, we will be in touch!