Artful Expressions is a platform where poetry packs a punch and artists, comedians, musicians, playwrights and actors collaborate, collude and sometimes collide. Discover a place where boundaries blur and artistic expressions flow. Whether you are a lover of words, music, art, or simply seeking inspiration served with a cup of tea, Artful Expressions is an interesting way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Artful Expression - No Limits! is a showcase as part of Vaulting Ambitions, a partnership program between Expressions Media and City of Adelaide WHEN Sunday 23 July 2023 Doors 2:30 Show: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM WHERE Prompt Creative Centre 8/205 Pirie Street, Adelaide South Australia 5000
Sunday 23 July 2023 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Prompt Creative Centre 8/205 Pirie Street, Adelaide South Australia 5000